Have you booked your appointment? Nice! Now you can start counting down the days. Here are a few simple tips to help you prepare for your tattoo.
Get enough sleep. When you’re tired, you’ll have a lower threshold for pain. That’s of course something we’d like to avoid.
Drink and eat well, so you’re less likely to feel faint and are less sensitive to the needle.
Don’t take blood thinners. Discuss your tattoo appointment with your GP if you have to take blood thinners for medical reasons.
Don’t take alcohol or drugs within 24 hours before your appointment. A hangover and/or lack of sleep makes you more sensitive to pain. Moreover, the substances in alcohol and drugs thin your blood, preventing the ink from properly penetrating your skin.
Get cling film for the aftercare of (large) tattoos.
Don’t make plans right after your appointment, so we can finish your tattoo in peace.
Wear comfy clothes and make sure I can easily reach the spot where you’d like to get your tattoo.
Are you pregnant? Then you should postpone your session until after you’ve given birth.
Below you will find a medical questionnaire. BEFORE THE APPOINTMENT, CONSIDER YOUR TATTOO with your doctor if you have any of these conditions. The following conditions may affect your tattoo and your healing process: